Attunity Teradata Driver

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  1. Microsoft Connector for Teradata by Attunity. Microsoft Connector for Teradata by Attunity is a program that provides components that are written to achieve optimal performance when loading data into Teradata or unloading data from Teradata in the context of Microsoft SSIS.
  2. Are those the proper Attunity Drivers? What i can tell you is that the those are third party components, they are not installed with Visual Studio or SSDT. Also, on the other hand the Attunity Oracle components name are the same (Oracle Source, and Oracle Destination). But i think that the Oracle Attunity components have different icons.
  3. I have an SSIS package that ran fine under SSDT for VS2012 and an earlier version of the Attunity drivers for Teradata. On my restaged Windows7 PC, I installed VS2017, MS VS Tools for Applications.
  4. Teradata SQL Driver for R. This package enables R applications to connect to the Teradata Database. This package implements the DBI Specification. This package requires 64-bit R 3.4.3 or later, and runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. 32-bit R is not supported.

Teradata Driver Configuration Properties. OTD Wizard: Database Connection Information. Environment Properties. OTD Wizard: Database Connection Information. To connect to Teradata, via the Teradata driver, use the information provided in Table 1-15 to complete the Connect to Database step of the JDBC/ODBC OTD Wizard.

The steps we are going to follow include the following:

The Attunity connector for Oracle used inside of the SSIS data flow looks a little different than the typical OLE DB connector we most commonly use. Specifically, the Attunity source has two options: “Table Name” and “SQL command.” What the Attunity Oracle Source doesn’t have in this dialog box is “SQL command from variable” (like we see for an OLE DB source).

In SSIS, in order to utilize a parameterized query in the data flow source, we typically use a variable that contains the SQL statement and the parameter reference(s). Just because the Attunity Oracle Source dialog box doesn’t show “SQL command from variable” doesn’t mean we can’t get the job done though. It’s just a slightly different process.

Prerequisites: The Attunity connector is already set up in your SSDT environment.

This process references using SQL Server 2012+ and the SSIS project deployment mode.

Step 1. Create a Project Parameter

Since the source query will be parameterized, first we need a place to store this parameter value. The best choice if the value is to be shared across packages is a project-level parameter. You could also use a package-level parameter if it’s not going to be shared across more than one package, and still get the benefit of being able to change the value at runtime if necessary (editing the value at runtime is why we like using a parameter better than a variable for the value of the parameter).

In this example the project parameter is called IncrementalDays_TaskDate which, in our case, means we are going to bring in a 3-day window of time.

Step 2. Create a Variable for the Parameterized Source Query

Here’s a simple query example where I’ve pulled in the project parameter created in step 1. This is inside of the expression builder of a variable. Note that in the expression builder, the text is surrounded by double quotes ( ' ) and plus signs ( + ) concatenate the text with the parameterized portion. By clicking the 'Evaluate Expression' button, we see the 3 day value as per the value in our project parameter.

Also, double check the EvaluateAsExpression is set to True in the properties of your variable.

Step 3. Add Attunity Source to Data Flow

Add the Oracle Source to the data flow. Next we want to change its data access mode to “SQL command” and add a temporary query (with the same columns as the real query) to get the metadata passed to the SSIS package. Based on the where clause I used, I know that no rows will return but that’s ok -- the purpose here is (a) to make sure Table is *not* selected anymore, and (b) to get the column metadata picked up by SSIS.


This might seem like somewhat a silly step since it includes a temporary query we won’t keep, but things really worked out more smoothly for me when I didn’t try to skip around it.

Now we have the pieces in place & we just need to connect up our parameterized query in the variable to the Attunity source so that temporary query gets overwritten by the real one.

Step 4. Set Data Flow Expressions

Click anywhere on the Data Flow canvas (i.e., so the context is not on any single object). The Properties pane should contextually show the Data Flow properties.

Teradata Attunity Drivers For Sql 2016

Locate the Expressions section in the properties pane. Click the ellipses next to Expressions.

In the Property Expressions Editor, click the drop-down in the Property. Locate the SqlCommand property for your Attunity source (the first part of the name will differ based on what you named it). Set the expression to be your variable. Be careful not to re-type the SQL statement here or anything – we really just want this expression to be a connector between the SQL command in the Attunity source and the variable that’s parameterized.

Step 5. Verify SQL Query Changed in the Attunity Source

Now go back to the Attunity Oracle Source and edit it. Your ‘fake’ SQL query from Step 3 should be replaced with the results of the parameterized one. In the screen shot below how we see the 3-day window of time we originally set in the project parameter. You can click Preview if you like as well, to check the query parses and returns a resultset properly.

Attunity Drivers Oracle

At this point, I recommend putting an annotation next to the Attunity source as a reminder that this is parameterized. It’s a little too easy to forget and just edit the source query directly in the SQL window – which will just be overwritten by the expression thus potentially causing a bit of frustration later.

So that’s it. Now you can continue on and finish the package as you normally would.

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Posted by
SQL Server Developer
11 months ago


The title says it all. We are migrating our Teradata platform to Intellicloud and upgrading the database to version 16.2. Anyone still running Teradata 15.1 drivers and utils and connected to Teradata in Intellicloud that is DB version 16.2? And not having issues?

On our Windows Server 2012 R2, and SQL Server 2016 SP1 EE, we had Teradata 15.1 Drivers and TTU, Attunity 4, and VS15 w/ SST14, then upgraded to Teradata 16.2, Attunity 5, and VS 17 w/ SSDT15, and uncovered a host of issues and basically all our jobs had to go down till we figured out the correct combo of tools and versions.

We discovered that VS17 w/ SSDT, the SSIS side is not compatible with Attunity 5 when your SQL Server is version 2016. Along with other issues.

Attunity teradata driver update

I had to leave Attunity 5 in, and add Attunity 4, before things would work, plus add VS15 back, to edit, create a Connection Manager that works, and can deploy without error and run without error. Crazy thing is with just Attunity 5, once 4 was added, it would work but sill only showed Attunity 5 being the version of MSTERA used, odd. Yet it can’t open an existing SSAS model without error. I can open it in VS17 SSAS though.

I’ve spent a lot of time and money with Microsoft Premiere Support, and we have it limping in 32 bit mode now as that’s what can successfully deploy and run right now, we’re working on the 64 bit side, and will address the SSAS issues once the whole driver/connector and likeable version of VS/SSDT can play nice with Teradata 16.2 drivers and utilities.

Would love to hear war stories from other who have been through this to compare notes.


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