Fileopen Pdf Drm Removal

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A large amount of useful content is now encoded as PDF (PortableDocument Format) files, including files marketed for eBook documentreaders. Unfortunately, some of this content is not usable in all thelawful ways a purchaser desires, due to access control mechanismscreated by Adobe and adopted by content publishers to the detriment oftheir customers. Computer professionals who have examined thesemechanisms have found them easy to defeat. This web site will publishinformation about Adobe's access control mechanisms and the remediespeople have devised to deal with them. Here are directories of linksfor removingPDF security and PDFpassword tools. You can, for example, purchase Eltima's Recover PDFPassword for Mac or RecoverPDF Password for PC.ineptpdf (Google it) is a tool for bypassing fileOpen PDF encryption.

  1. Fileopen Pdf Crack
  2. Pdf Drm Remover

June 2010: new fileOpen circumvention tool available from Tetrachroma:click herefor information.

PDF ePub DRM Removal quickly and easily remove ebook ADEPT DRM protection for PDF epub files with 1-click. User can view PDF ePub ebook on iPad, NOOK, Sony Reader or other device without limitation, user also can print Digital Edition ebook. It is very easy to user, just 1-click to decrypt epub ebook. Remove fileopen security from pdf 51 has cost me a lot of nerves, caffeine and my.For help and exchange of experience about fileopen and the script I recommend you to ask questions in the authorized fileopen drm pdf removal thread under.I am using 8. 51 to try to remove DRM from a FileOpen pdf.

A while back, an anonymous contributor sent the source for fileSaveAs.c a program that 'reads a pdfencrypted with the fileOpen plugin, and attempts to write a plainpdf.' I have no way to contact the author, but you can send bugreports to me and I'll post them here.

None of these programs deal with PDF files that encrypt the content using 3rd party remove fileopen drm from but we can remove the plugins using free and open source tools, provided that we can use the password first to unlock and permit the plugin to download the secret content.

Xpdf is an open-source PDF viewer for Unix, VMS, OS/2, and Windows,available at documentation of the decryption feature says: 'If anysecurity features are turned on by the creator of a PDF document, thePDF file will be encrypted. These security features let an authordisallow printing, copying text/graphics, editing, and/or addingannotations.'

David E. Smith at has created a patch to Xpdf that disables thesecurity features. The patch (revised July 24, 2001) is available here. Mr. Smith writes: Patch xpdf (thediff is against 0.92 but should be easily adaptable to future version)and feed '--enable-antikick' to 'configure'. The patch is bigger thanit should be; all but the bottom twenty lines or so are diffs to the'configure' script itself. The name 'antikick' came from HarlanEllison's 'Kick Net Piracy' campaign, btw. Ironically, I fully supporthim in this...

HansNieuwenhuis has contributed an Xpdf patch for version 0,93,also available at See his web page onthe patch for more information. (Older 0,92 version here and here.)Mr. Nieuwenhuis writes that the difference between Mr. Smith's patchand his are that his does not disable printing protection, it onlyre-enables copy and paste. FreeBSD incorporates this patch into theirxpdf port.

An anonymous correspondent has sent generic Xpdf patch instructionsthat work in versions 0.92 and 0.93 and should be easily adaptable toall future versions, and another anonymous reader sent in a patch file for xpdf 3.00. Yet anotheranonymous correspondent had a comment about printing protection.

Erik Hovland contributed this patch for XPDF version 3.02p12.

Poppler is a PDFrendering library based on the Xpdf 3.0 code base. Eriv Hovland hasthis patch for poppler release0.6.4.

A helpful reader wrote in to remind me that: 'GhostScript/GhostView... handle PDF just fine and have been completely bypassing itsrestriction schemes for quite some time without much fanfare. Thereare precompiled versions for most popular OSes, donwloadable from manyplaces.

The home page for Ghostscript is

The sourceforge project page for Ghostscript is

Also see the GNU Ghostscript page.

Geoffrey Keating's EncryptedPDFs page offers appropriate patches to Ghostcript for readingencrypted PDF files. For versions 4.01 and higher, use

Kyler Laird's PDFutilities build on Geoffrey Keating's work. Laird offers a webform you can use to convert PDF files to Postscript, and a hack for turning on printing for encrypted PDFfiles. Thanks to reader Rashkae, who adds: 'You can then doa pdf2ps and back again with ps2pdf to generate a clean, unencrypted,printable, PDF file.'

Rusty Mase, a professional cryptanalyst, challenged KylerLaird to crack a sample PDF file he supplied. To Mase's surprise,Laird did it. See if you can do it too.

Fileopen Pdf Drm Removal

An anonymous contributor tells how to Convert aprintable Adobe eBook to an unprotected PDF file by following these simple steps.

Marc Hoffman announced(see March 3, 2002 entry) that the document previewer bundled with MacOS X allows one to strip the security features from a PDFautomatically simply by printing the document to a Postscript file andredistilling it. Read his report, Disabling Security Settings in AcrobatFiles. The claim in the report that password protection willprevent PDF unlocking turns out to be untrue; the version of thedocument provided here, by a third party, has the password removed.The document is posted with Mr. Hoffman's permission.

Another correspondent wrote in January 2006 that she didn't even needto save the document as a Postscript file; it sufficed to 'print' itas a PDF under a different name.

But in February 2006, someone informed me that Preview Version 3.0.4(398) under Mac OSX 10.4.5 does not permit these operations onpassword-protected PDF files.

Fileopen Pdf Crack

An anonymous informant writes: The Adobe Acrobat Access Plug-in4.05 enables vision-impaired users to read Adobe PDF documents inAcrobat 4.0x or Acrobat Reader 4.0x.

The Access plug-in supplements the standard Acrobat and Reader displayof PDF documents with an alternative view that supports screen-readingapplications for Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT.This view presents the textual content of a PDF file in a separatewindow. The window contains the text in an approximated readingorder. Standard Acrobat features, such as hypertext links, notes,bookmarks, sounds, and movies, are available in the Access view.

Once this is installed, press control + 4 to move to 'TEXT' mode.This mode enables you to copy it to a text2speech program ... orwherever you want. I've tested it in Acrobat 4 and it works. Youthen press Control + e to move back to the standard viewing mode.

An anonymous source hasprovided instructions for removingsecurity from Amazon-purchased eBooks. This requires Acrobat 6;Acrobat 7 reportedly does not work.

Another anonymous source writes: 'I tried using Scansoft PDF creatorto print to a PDF file. I then found I could read the printed PDFfile in other machines.'

Planet PDF

PDF 1.3 Encryption Explained, by Anonymous.Also see the official Adobe spec., a Perl script to decrypt PDF files, by Anonymous.

Google searchfor 'Adobe password recovery'

Here is the decrypter for isilo format, written by 'klemm'. It'scurrently incomplete: it only works on the first isilo format, not thenewer/current format . This decrypter is however successfuly used bythe opie-reader ebook reader. desilo.h, containsinformation about removing protections from eBooks encoded in theMicrosoft .LIT format. Source code is mirrored here.Planet eBook

Putting A Lock On E-Books, article (July 19, 2001) bySiva Vaidhyanathan.

I am interested in receiving and publishing the following kinds of information:
  • Technical descriptions of the access control and encryptionmechanisms associated with PDF files and/or eBooks.
  • Technical descriptions of remedies for these mechanisms, e.g.,patches, key recovery algorithms, modified plug-ins, etc.
  • Source code for implementing these remedies.
Mail submissions to DaveTouretzky. Anonymous submissions are fine.

Note: this web site is for discussion of purely technical informationof interest to computer scientists and lawful content users. I amnot interested in receiving rants about Adobe or the DMCA. Go to theBoycott Adobe site for that. RTMPE.txt file In 2009 Adobe used a DMCAtakedown notice to SourceForge to suppress an open sourceimplementation of a network protocol called RTMP. Here is the technical specification and the source code. More info is availablehere.

For more on the issue of computer code as protected speech, visit theGallery of CSSDescramblers.
Thecurrent technology leader in Adobe remedies is a Russian companycalled ElcomSoft.Unfortunately their best-known programmer, Bauman Moscow StateTechnical University computer science Ph.D. student Dmitri Sklyarov,was held in the US for several months in 2001, pending prosecution under theDigital Millennium Copyright Act, and is no longer speaking publiclyabout these issues.

ElcomSoft has announced a new PDF password recovery tool.Details available at their web site and this articlein Wired.

Defcon 9 (2001) presentation by Dmitri Sklyarov, 'eBooks security -theory and practice', in HTML/GIFformat, raw text format (nographics), or PowerPoint original.

Summaryof Sklyarov's results, by Bruce Perens.

Cryptome mirror ofElcomSoft's AEBPR (Advanced E-Book Processor) software version 2.2,which decrypts 25% of an E-book as a demonstration. Note: ElcomSoftis no longer distributing this software.

And Justice forAdobe, an article by Lisa Rein at O'ReillyNetwork Weblogs, nicely summarizes the case through July 2001.

Anonymous sources have confirmedthat adding the following entry to the Windows registry will unlock the software so that itwill decrypt 100% of a document:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareElcomAdvanced eBook ProcessorRegistration] 'Code'='LEPR-T2K7-NA8Z-3DUE-EVDQS-TMPV-MBAUB'.

From someone who has personally verified that this works: 'Usingthis program I was able to convert a locked Adobe eBook to PDFformat. I then purchased an ebook from Barnes&Noble only because Ihad a copy of AEBPR. I will not distribute copies of the unlocked PDFfile, but I would not have purchased an ebook in the Adobe format whenit is locked to an operating system on a single computer.'

Problem report:'I downloaded the free trial version ofAEBPR, then edited the registry as indicated in your 'Adobe Remedies'site, and it worked beautifully on the free ebooks I had downloadedpreviously (using Adobe ebook Reader 2.1). I then bought an ebook;however, it was necessary to update to Adobe ebook reader 2.2.Unfortunately, the attempt to decrypt the new ebook resulted in theerror, 'Bad data in the son.dat. Error 2.' Then, 'No EBX booksavailable.'

Adobe has disabled the earlier version 2.2 of their eBook reader, sothat it can no longer be installed on new machines. Theircertification server does not give a certificate for this versionanymore. According to an anonymous reader, a solution to the problemis as follows:
  1. Find someone who already has version 2.2 build 200 installed andactivated.
  2. Ask him to send you all files from his 'DataVouchers' folder.
  3. Put these files in your DataVouchers folder, overwriting your ownones.
  4. Run the Reader. It will show the following message:
  5. Call Adobe, give them the Challenge, and receive an activationcode.
  6. Enter that code into the Reader -- it will updated. Now you canpurchase the books from that version, and use AEBPR to convert them toPDF.
I don't have these DataVouchers files,and I don't know anyone who does, so please don't email me asking howto obtain them. -- Dave Touretzky

Pdf Drm Remover

The old fix to the son.dat problem, sent in by an anonymous reader,was as follows: 'Don't use the current version ofeBookReaderInstall.exe (size: 10,621,400 bytes or 10372 KB.) Insteaduse the earlier version (also named 2.2 build 200!) which has a sizeof 10,582,776 bytes (or 10334 KB). You can find a copy of the earlierversion at: you already have installed the later version of this program,you'll have to uninstall it and remove the DATA folder beforeinstalling the earlier version. Then verify your installation with afree e-book from'This no longer works, since Adobe changed their certification server to block it.

Bryan Guignard's whitepaper on PDFSecurity 'explains what the ElcomSoft tools can and cannot do, andtakes a brief look at the PDF specification to uncover the fundamentalflaw in PDF security.' Also available in Postscript.

'Boycott Adobe' graphic from the now web site.

US v. Sklyarov FAQfrom the Electronic Frontier Foundation ( willanswer all your questions.

Planet eBook's page on theAdobe/Elcomsoft/Sklyarov controversy offers the most comprehensive coverage of the case.

Legal Disclaimer:'Adobe' is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc..

Dave TouretzkyLast modified: Tue Apr 12 02:59:30 EDT 2011Drm

Fileopen and APS PDF DRM Removal Script

The project (latest script version: ineptpdf 8.4.51) has cost me a lot of nerves, caffeine and my (non-grey) hairs. It took me over 400 hours of hardcore reverse engineering and a lot of trial and error to get it right. Meanwhile my friends were hanging out on the beach, drinking cocktails and getting serious with the chicks. On the other hand, now they are getting accustomed with BP sponsored oil (*hehe*).

The FileOpen support has been added to the existing ADEPT PDF DRM scripts from I♥Cabbages ( click ) so I didn’t have to get serious with the PDF interals (at least not more than needed). It has the same requirements (Python version, PyCrypto, …) as the original script so with Python-related problems you might check out his site, too. Of course the script decrypts ADEPT PDFs (used in Adobe Digital Editions) as well. In that case you need the ineptkey script to get the key file (adeptkey.der). More information on that topic can be found at the specific mobileread forum discussion thread.

The FileOpen plugin is a privacy killer. It checks your network address, your harddisk id, your cpu id, your username, your hostname, when you open and close your document and how many times you already have printed it. Despite the information on their website it doesn’t support AES (at least as far as I have seen). And yes, these methods may remind you of dystopian alternative realities like 1984 or Brave New World (you might want to check out the little story at click ).

You might want to check out the ‘FAQS’ and ‘bug report’ sections for more information.

As for the preachy part: Don’t use it to make illegal copies.

I’m not getting paid for writing the script and of course it is under the GPL. Nevertheless, if you want to help to create more freedom in the Web, it would be a nice gesture to donate a few (symbolic) bucks to organizations like your local Pirate Party (Pirate Party International (harrrrrrr – I want to meet a local pirate)), the EFF (EFF donation site) or, of course, myself => 😉 (BitCoin address: 1HRnjahgD3Tb7AHEjjUuf79mwtqKYTuUFg ) Even a very small donation will help to create more freedom and privacy in the web (legal disclaimer: I’m not related to these organizations in any way nor do I profit from donations).

If you send me proof of your donation (email can be found in the ‘about’-section) I might think about getting a Linux version running as well.

proven donations until now: (EFF: 1 (100 USD/0 Euro), Pirates Party: 0 (0 Euro), Myself 0 (0 Euro)

Thanks to all donors. 🙂

Known limitations:

  • no support for old fileopen encryption (haven’t seen such files for a long time)
  • password window sometimes doesn’t close itself
  • no Linux support (yet)
  • no Mac support (refers only to the FileOpen functionality, ADEPT and Adobe Policy Server works fine)
  • Adobe (Reader) X may not work – read the FAQs for more information

If you think you have found a bug (script didn’t decrypt the pdf) check out the ‘faqs’ section carefully and study the information in the ‘bug report’ section.


Download: (due to DMCA concerns no direct download link available)


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