Statistical Physics Pdf

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Statistical Mechanics explores the physical properties of matter based on the dynamic behavior of its microscopic constituents. After a historical introduction, this book presents chapters about thermodynamics, ensemble theory, simple gases theory, Ideal Bose and Fermi systems, statistical mechanics of interacting systems, phase transitions, and computer simulations.

This edition includes new topics such as BoseEinstein condensation and degenerate Fermi gas behavior in ultracold atomic gases and chemical equilibrium. It also explains the correlation functions and scattering; fluctuationdissipation theorem and the dynamical structure factor; phase equilibrium and the Clausius-Clapeyron equation; and exact solutions of one-dimensional fluid models and two-dimensional Ising model on a finite lattice. New topics can be found in the appendices, including finite-size scaling behavior of Bose-Einstein condensates, a summary of thermodynamic assemblies and associated statistical ensembles, and pseudorandom number generators. Other chapters are dedicated to two new topics, the thermodynamics of the early universe and the Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations.

1.1 Ignorance, Entropy and the Ergodic Theorem. Statistical physics is a beautiful subject. Pretty much everything derives from the simple state- ment that entropy is maximized. Here, we describe the meaning of entropy, and show how the tenet of maximum entropy is. Physics is much more than statistical mechanics. A similar notion is expressed by James Sethna in his book Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity. Indeed statistical physics teaches us how to think about the world in terms of probabilities. This is particularly relevant when one deals with real world data. Therefore applications of statistical physics can also be found in data-intensive research areas such.

This book is invaluable to students and practitioners interested in statistical mechanics and physics.

  • Actually, it is virtually impossible to measure the pressure, volume, or temperature of a gas to such accuracy, so most people just forget about the fact that the above expression is a statistical result, and treat it as a law of Physics interrelating the actual pressure, volume, and temperature of an ideal gas.
  • Statistical Physics of Particles is the welcome result of an innovative and popular graduate course Kardar has been teaching at MIT for almost twenty years. It is a masterful account of the essentials of a subject which played a vital role in the development of twentieth century physics.
  • Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases
  • Thermodynamics of the early universe
  • Computer simulations: Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics
  • Correlation functions and scattering
  • Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and the dynamical structure factor
  • Chemical equilibrium
  • Exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model for finite systems
  • Degenerate atomic Fermi gases
  • Exact solutions of one-dimensional fluid models
  • Interactions in ultracold Bose and Fermi gases
  • Brownian motion of anisotropic particles and harmonic oscillators


Graduate and Advanced Undergraduate Students in Physics. Researchers in the field of Statisical Physics

Chapter 1: The Statistical Basis of Thermodynamics

1.1 The macroscopic and the microscopic states

Reichl Statistical Physics Pdf

1.2 Contact between statistics and thermodynamics: physical significance of the number Ω(N, V, E)

1.3 Further contact between statistics and thermodynamics

1.4 The classical ideal gas

1.5 The entropy of mixing and the Gibbs paradox

1.6 The “correct” enumeration of the microstates


Chapter 2: Elements of Ensemble Theory

2.1 Phase space of a classical system

2.2 Liouville’s theorem and its consequences

2.3 The microcanonical ensemble

2.4 Examples

2.5 Quantum states and the phase space


Chapter 3: The Canonical Ensemble

3.1 Equilibrium between a system and a heat reservoir

3.2 A system in the canonical ensemble

3.3 Physical significance of the various statistical quantities in the canonical ensemble

3.4 Alternative expressions for the partition function

3.5 The classical systems

3.6 Energy fluctuations in the canonical ensemble: correspondence with the microcanonical ensemble

3.7 Two theorems — the “equipartition” and the “virial”

3.8 A system of harmonic oscillators

3.9 The statistics of paramagnetism

3.10 Thermodynamics of magnetic systems: negative temperatures


Chapter 4: The Grand Canonical Ensemble

4.1 Equilibrium between a system and a particle-energy reservoir

4.2 A system in the grand canonical ensemble

4.3 Physical significance of the various statistical quantities

4.4 Examples

4.5 Density and energy fluctuations in the grand canonical ensemble: correspondence with other ensembles

4.6 Thermodynamic phase diagrams

4.7 Phase equilibrium and the Clausius–Clapeyron equation


Chapter 5: Formulation of Quantum Statistics

5.1 Quantum-mechanical ensemble theory: the density matrix

5.2 Statistics of the various ensembles

5.3 Examples

5.4 Systems composed of indistinguishable particles

5.5 The density matrix and the partition function of a system of free particles


Chapter 6: The Theory of Simple Gases

6.1 An ideal gas in a quantum-mechanical microcanonical ensemble

6.2 An ideal gas in other quantum-mechanical ensembles

6.3 Statistics of the occupation numbers

6.4 Kinetic considerations

6.5 Gaseous systems composed of molecules with internal motion

6.6 Chemical equilibrium


Chapter 7: Ideal Bose Systems

7.1 Thermodynamic behavior of an ideal Bose gas

7.2 Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases

7.3 Thermodynamics of the blackbody radiation

7.4 The field of sound waves

7.5 Inertial density of the sound field

7.6 Elementary excitations in liquid helium II


Chapter 8: Ideal Fermi Systems

8.1 Thermodynamic behavior of an ideal Fermi gas

8.2 Magnetic behavior of an ideal Fermi gas

8.3 The electron gas in metals

8.4 Ultracold atomic Fermi gases

8.5 Statistical equilibrium of white dwarf stars

8.6 Statistical model of the atom


Chapter 9: Thermodynamics of the Early Universe

9.1 Observational evidence of the Big Bang

9.2 Evolution of the temperature of the universe

9.3 Relativistic electrons, positrons, and neutrinos

9.4 Neutron fraction

9.5 Annihilation of the positrons and electrons

9.6 Neutrino temperature

9.7 Primordial nucleosynthesis

9.8 Recombination

9.9 Epilogue


Chapter 10: Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Systems: The Method of Cluster Expansions

10.1 Cluster expansion for a classical gas

10.2 Virial expansion of the equation of state

10.3 Evaluation of the virial coefficients

10.4 General remarks on cluster expansions

10.5 Exact treatment of the second virial coefficient

10.6 Cluster expansion for a quantum-mechanical system

10.7 Correlations and scattering


Chapter 11: Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Systems: The Method of Quantized Fields

11.1 The formalism of second quantization

11.2 Low-temperature behavior of an imperfect Bose gas

11.3 Low-lying states of an imperfect Bose gas

11.4 Energy spectrum of a Bose liquid

11.5 States with quantized circulation

11.6 Quantized vortex rings and the breakdown of superfluidity

11.7 Low-lying states of an imperfect Fermi gas

11.8 Energy spectrum of a Fermi liquid: Landau’s phenomenological theory21

11.9 Condensation in Fermi systems


Chapter 12: Phase Transitions: Criticality, Universality, and Scaling

12.1 General remarks on the problem of condensation

12.2 Condensation of a van der Waals gas

12.3 A dynamical model of phase transitions

12.4 The lattice gas and the binary alloy

12.5 Ising model in the zeroth approximation

12.6 Ising model in the first approximation

12.7 The critical exponents

12.8 Thermodynamic inequalities

12.9 Landau’s phenomenological theory

12.10 Scaling hypothesis for thermodynamic functions

12.11 The role of correlations and fluctuations

12.12 The critical exponents ν and η

12.13 A final look at the mean field theory


Chapter 13: Phase Transitions: Exact (or Almost Exact) Results for Various Models

13.1 One-dimensional fluid models

13.2 The Ising model in one dimension

13.3 The n-vector models in one dimension

13.4 The Ising model in two dimensions

13.5 The spherical model in arbitrary dimensions

13.6 The ideal Bose gas in arbitrary dimensions

13.7 Other models


Chapter 14: Phase Transitions: The Renormalization Group Approach

14.1 The conceptual basis of scaling

A Modern Course In Statistical Physics Pdf

14.2 Some simple examples of renormalization

14.3 The renormalization group: general formulation

14.4 Applications of the renormalization group

14.5 Finite-size scaling


Chapter 15: Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics

15.1 Equilibrium thermodynamic fluctuations

15.2 The Einstein–Smoluchowski theory of the Brownian motion

15.3 The Langevin theory of the Brownian motion

15.4 Approach to equilibrium: the Fokker–Planck equation

15.5 Spectral analysis of fluctuations: the Wiener–Khintchine theorem

15.6 The fluctuation–dissipation theorem

15.7 The Onsager relations


Chapter 16: Computer Simulations

16.1 Introduction and statistics

16.2 Monte Carlo simulations

16.3 Molecular dynamics

16.4 Particle simulations

16.5 Computer simulation caveats



Statistical Physics Pdf
No. of pages:
© Academic Press 2011
28th February 2011
Academic Press
eBook ISBN:
Paperback ISBN:

R K Pathria

Paul D. Beale


'An excellent graduate-level text. The selection of topics is very complete and gives to the student a wide view of the applications of statistical mechanics. The set problems reinforce the theory exposed in the text, helping the student to master the material' --Francisco Cevantes

'Making sense out of the world around us in one of the most appealing facets of physics. One may start by putting together seemingly isolated observations and as the different pieces start to fall into place, more complicated arrangements and more fundamental explanations are sought. This is indeed the case for instance when trying to understand the behaviour of a collection of particles. On the one hand, thermo- dynamics provides us with a satisfactory explanation of the macroscopic phenomena observed, however, in order to get to the core of the physical system it becomes necessary to take into account the microscopic constituents of the system as well as the fact that quantum mechanical effects are at play. This is the realm of statistical mechanics and the subject of one of the most widely recognised textbooks around the globe: Pathria’s Statistical Mechanics.…The original style of the book is kept, and the clarity of explanations and derivations is still there. I am convinced that this third edition of Statistical Mechanics will enable a number of new generations of physicists to gain a solid background of statistical physics and that can only be a good thing.' --Contemporary Physics

Statistical Mechanics explores the physical properties of matter based on the dynamic behavior of its microscopic constituents. After a historical introduction, this book presents chapters about thermodynamics, ensemble theory, simple gases theory, Ideal Bose and Fermi systems, statistical mechanics of interacting systems, phase transitions, and computer simulations.

This edition includes new topics such as BoseEinstein condensation and degenerate Fermi gas behavior in ultracold atomic gases and chemical equilibrium. It also explains the correlation functions and scattering; fluctuationdissipation theorem and the dynamical structure factor; phase equilibrium and the Clausius-Clapeyron equation; and exact solutions of one-dimensional fluid models and two-dimensional Ising model on a finite lattice. New topics can be found in the appendices, including finite-size scaling behavior of Bose-Einstein condensates, a summary of thermodynamic assemblies and associated statistical ensembles, and pseudorandom number generators. Other chapters are dedicated to two new topics, the thermodynamics of the early universe and the Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations.

This book is invaluable to students and practitioners interested in statistical mechanics and physics.

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Statistical physics is a branch of physics that uses methods of probability theory and statistics, and particularly the mathematical tools for dealing with large populations and approximations, in solving physical problems. It can describe a wide variety of fields with an inherently stochastic nature. Its applications include many problems in the fields of physics, biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and even some social sciences, such as sociology[1] and linguistics.[2] Its main purpose is to clarify the properties of matter in aggregate, in terms of physical laws governing atomic motion.[3]

In particular, statistical mechanics develops the phenomenological results of thermodynamics from a probabilistic examination of the underlying microscopic systems. Historically, one of the first topics in physics where statistical methods were applied was the field of mechanics, which is concerned with the motion of particles or objects when subjected to a force.

  • 1Statistical mechanics

Statistical mechanics[edit]

Statistical mechanics
  • NVEMicrocanonical
  • NVTCanonical
  • µVTGrand canonical
  • NPHIsoenthalpic–isobaric
  • NPTIsothermal–isobaric

Statistical mechanics provides a framework for relating the microscopic properties of individual atoms and molecules to the macroscopic or bulk properties of materials that can be observed in everyday life, therefore explaining thermodynamics as a natural result of statistics, classical mechanics, and quantum mechanics at the microscopic level. Because of this history, statistical physics is often considered synonymous with statistical mechanics or statistical thermodynamics.[note 1]

One of the most important equations in statistical mechanics (akin to F=ma{displaystyle F=ma} in Newtonian mechanics, or the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics) is the definition of the partition functionZ{displaystyle Z}, which is essentially a weighted sum of all possible states q{displaystyle q} available to a system.

Z=qeE(q)kBT{displaystyle Z=sum _{q}mathrm {e} ^{-{frac {E(q)}{k_{B}T}}}}

Landau Statistical Physics Pdf

where kB{displaystyle k_{B}} is the Boltzmann constant, T{displaystyle T} is temperature and E(q){displaystyle E(q)} is energy of state q{displaystyle q}. Furthermore, the probability of a given state, q{displaystyle q}, occurring is given by

P(q)=eE(q)kBTZ{displaystyle P(q)={frac {mathrm {e} ^{-{frac {E(q)}{k_{B}T}}}}{Z}}}

Here we see that very-high-energy states have little probability of occurring, a result that is consistent with intuition.

A statistical approach can work well in classical systems when the number of degrees of freedom (and so the number of variables) is so large that exact solution is not possible, or not really useful. Statistical mechanics can also describe work in non-linear dynamics, chaos theory, thermal physics, fluid dynamics (particularly at high Knudsen numbers), or plasma physics.

Although some problems in statistical physics can be solved analytically using approximations and expansions, most current research utilizes the large processing power of modern computers to simulate or approximate solutions. A common approach to statistical problems is to use a Monte Carlo simulation to yield insight into the dynamics of a complex system.

Quantum statistical mechanics[edit]

Quantum statistical mechanics is statistical mechanics applied to quantum mechanical systems. In quantum mechanics a statistical ensemble (probability distribution over possible quantum states) is described by a density operatorS, which is a non-negative, self-adjoint, trace-class operator of trace 1 on the Hilbert spaceH describing the quantum system. This can be shown under various mathematical formalisms for quantum mechanics. One such formalism is provided by quantum logic.

Scientists and universities[edit]

A significant contribution (at different times) in development of statistical physics was given by Satyendra Nath Bose, James Clerk Maxwell, Ludwig Boltzmann, J. Willard Gibbs, Marian Smoluchowski, Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, Lev Landau, Vladimir Fock, Werner Heisenberg, Nikolay Bogolyubov, Benjamin Widom, Lars Onsager, Benjamin and Jeremy Chubb (also inventors of the titanium sublimation pump), and others. Statistical physics is studied in the nuclear center at Los Alamos. Also, Pentagon has organized a large department for the study of turbulence at Princeton University. Work in this area is also being conducted by Saclay (Paris), Max Planck Institute, Netherlands Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics and other research centers.


Statistical physics allowed us to explain and quantitatively describe superconductivity, superfluidity, turbulence, collective phenomena in solids and plasma, and the structural features of liquid. It underlies the modern astrophysics. It is statistical physics that helped us to create such intensively developing study of liquid crystals and to construct a theory of phase transition and critical phenomena. Many experimental studies of matter are entirely based on the statistical description of a system. These include the scattering of cold neutrons, X-ray, visible light, and more.Statistical physics plays a major role in Physics of Solid State Physics, Materials Science, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine (e.g. study of the spread of infectious diseases), Information Theory and Technique but also in those areas of technology owing to their development in the evolution of Modern Physics. It still has important applications in theoretical sciences such as Sociology and Linguistics and is useful for researchers in higher education, corporate governance and industry.

See also[edit]


  1. ^This article presents a broader sense of the definition of statistical physics.


  1. ^Raducha, Tomasz; Gubiec, Tomasz (April 2017). 'Coevolving complex networks in the model of social interactions'. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 471: 427–435. arXiv:1606.03130. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2016.12.079. ISSN0378-4371.
  2. ^Raducha, Tomasz; Gubiec, Tomasz (2018-04-27). 'Predicting language diversity with complex networks'. PLOS ONE. 13 (4): e0196593. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0196593. ISSN1932-6203. PMC5922521. PMID29702699.
  3. ^Huang, Kerson (2009-09-21). Introduction to Statistical Physics (2nd ed.). CRC Press. p. 15. ISBN978-1-4200-7902-9.

Further reading[edit]

  • Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics by Frederick Reif

Thermal and Statistical Physics (lecture notes, Web draft 2001) by Mallett M., Blumler P.

by Harald J W Müller-Kirsten (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)

  • Statistical Physics and other resources by Leo P Kadanoff
  • Statistical Physics - Statics, Dynamics and Renormalization by Leo P Kadanoff
  • History and outlook of statistical physics by Dieter Flamm
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